Monday, September 3, 2007

Things that help my mood (Besides gay Idaho senators)

This is the college football edition of things that help my mood.

First, Florida State is getting beat by Clemson 24 to 3 in the third quarter. They have 82 total yards so far. Do I hate them because their offensive coordinator is named Jimbo? No, I'm from the South, not that part of the South, but still from the South. Do I hate them because they produced Chris Weinke? Um, yeah, that's part of it. But the main reason? Because they insist on putting a white guy in face paint, pretending to be a Native American.

Notre Dame got beat 30 to 3 by Georgia Tech.

Virginia gained 110 total yards against the powerhouse that is Wyoming. Maybe if your school wasn't founded by a slave owner.....(I'm more of a Hamilton than a Jefferson guy. Read Jefferson. He was insane. I promise. Read it.)

NC State, which is the finest agricultural school in Raleigh, was beaten 25 to 23 by the University of Central Florida. Who goes to NC State and why? I have never figured that one out, despite living in North Carolina for 10 years.


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