Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Hil Dawg going after Edwards

John Edwards had some well deserved momentum going into the SC primary, so HRC decided to send out voice mails attacking Edwards. Here's the actual transcript:

Voice: Hello, This is the Hillary Clinton for President Campaign.
Before you vote on Saturday, you should know that John Edwards voted for permanent trade relations with China. That’s right, John Edwards voted for the bill that cost thousands of jobs. Like the ones in the textile mills he talks about so much down here.

You should also know that John Edwards made nearly a half a million dollars working for a Wall Street investment fund. A fund that’s been profiting on foreclosing on the homes of families; including 100 homes right here in South Carolina. That’s according to The State newspaper. Here in South Carolina, Edwards says he’s one of us, but up on Wall Street he was just another one of them.

Can you trust John Edwards? This call is paid for by the Hillary Clinton for President Campaign.

Um, Hillary, John might take this personally. Especially the home foreclosure part. Seeing as Edwards views poverty as the cause of his life, this might not be the best idea. Edwards was actually defensive of HRC in the last debate. I'm guessing he won't be in the next one, on January 31st.

Obama needs to offer Edwards whatever he wants, VP, Attorney General, whatever. Because John Edwards is a pit bull. And you want the pit bull on your side.

Monday, January 28, 2008

Remember when.....

Ted Haggard had sex with that dude? And Larry Craig had sex with that dude?

That was awesome.


I usually read the Economist, 'cause its got facts and stuff, but I recently picked up a copy of Time and a copy of Newsweek.

The nice thing about American magazines is that we don't feel pressured to write "articles". Just put some ads in there, lawya! We trying to make dat cheddar! Fact checks are for homos!

I'm glad that ad revenue is more important than telling the news. I mean, how could this possibly have a negative effect? Its not like inadequate news sources could dumb down the debate, limit information, and lead to poor decision making. I'm sure having limited information had nothing to do with public support for an unjust war, or huge tax cuts that would lead to immense deficits, or Teri Schiavo.

USA! USA! USA!!!!!!!

The War Criminal

is warning Iran not to enrich uranium. Even though our National Intelligence Estimate says that Iran stopped its nuclear program. Of course, the NIE also said Iraq had weapons of mass destruction, so I guess the thinking is that the NIE is always wrong, and therefore Iran has a million nuclear weapons.

The idea that Iran can't have nuclear weapons because they would do bad things is ridiculous. Only one country has ever dropped an atomic bomb on another country. And that country is the United States. This, my dear psychiatrist friends, is called "projecting".

In other news, Bush wants Iran to stop enslaving its citizens and killing its indigenous people. And Bush wants everyone to stop drinking and driving. And to stop being a dick. You know, 'cause he's a dick and he's projecting.


is going to Florida after the polls close to proclaim victory. The Democratic Party isn't campaigning in Florida because my great party loves Iowa and New Hampshire. This seems retarded, that a political party would ignore the fourth largest state in the country, but the Democratic Party may, in fact, be retarded. If you need proof that the Democratic Party is retarded, see "superdelegates", "John Kerry" or "Al Gore".

The point is that none of the Democratic candidates campaigned in Florida. Despite this, HRC is going to declare victory. She's going to declare victory in a race that no one campaigned in. Oh, and by the way, Barack Obama only one South Carolina because of the black vote.......

Whenever I hear the name Clinton, my whole body starts to seize.

Take me back to the 'Burbs

or even a little farm out in the county.

I have no desire to live in Charlotte any more. I love Charlotte, I really do. I love U-City, I love Uptown, I even enjoy the dirty hippies in NoDa. I appreciate the fact that I can buy anything I could possibly want. Its fun to hang out with diverse people. Its great to be able to go to Blumenthal. There are a dozen restaurants that I can't live without. But my desire to actually live within the Queen City is close to zero.

Why? A few reasons. First, traffic is terrible. I can drive from Concord to the University in less time then it takes to drive from North Tryon to the University. In my old apartment, it took thirty minutes to drive to UNCC. I can WALK from their to UNCC in thirty minutes. And I did most of the time, I only used my car at night.

Second, its too loud. I understand that when you live with 800,000 other people, sometimes they get sick, or their houses burn down or they get shot. And that sucks. And I feel for you. But I want to be able to sit in my house with the windows open, without hearing an ambulance.

Third, its way too expensive. Being the economist junkie that I am, I realize that living in a city just isn't a good deal. Even Kravchuk lives in the County. I can't stand paying so much for housing.

Fourth, I have a car. I can drive to the city. I love Charlotte, and I'll just drive. Its fine. I'll buy a hybrid and that will make me feel less guilty. Besides, I don't think driving my car down 49 is worse then being stuck in traffic on Tryon.

And finally..............I want a yard. I want my hypothetical children to be able to play in a yard. I want to be able to put a swing set or whatever I want in my yard. I want to be able to, God forbid, put a Barack Obama sign in my yard without having to deal with a bunch of crap.

It would be so nice to buy some land off 49 and build a house.....

The End is Near

No Armageddon references and demons erupting from the underworld. Instead, a little nostalgia.

I am almost done with my masters, and hence, my college career. I was on the fourth floor of Fretwell, sitting outside the Political Science offices, feeling very odd. I'm going to miss the old girl when I'm gone, and the University in general.

College is a great experience for most people, but for those of us that are from modest backgrounds, it means even more. Its not just the classes, the experiences, the people. For us, its also the opportunity. When college degrees are scarce in your family and when poverty is something you understand, then a University holds so much more.

I don't just have pride in my school, in the "everyone else's school sucks" sense. Although I do think my school is better than everyone elses. I have love for UNCC. I'm thankful for the opportunities she has provided and the appreciation she has shown for me. I thank God for the opportunities that I have.

I don't need my hypothetical children to go to UNCC. I don't even really want them to. It was the perfect school for me. My hypothetical children can go to school in Blacksburg, and I'd be fine with that. UNCC gave me what I needed, and I appreciate that. I don't ask for anything else.

Quickly, two points to stop me from turning into a cream puff.

1. If I lived in another country, they would have paid for my college, which makes those countries better. American exceptionalism isn't really all that exceptional. Sure, we're the only ones to come up with McDonalds and Wal-Mart, but is that really a good thing?

2. Chapel Hill sucks. Just sayin'.

Sunday, January 27, 2008

With all the funding

that UNC Chapel Hill gets, why is it such an ugly school? Its really got that run down, aged look taken care of. I swear, Chapel Hill has all the charm of a Baltimore city housing project, circa 1965.

There are several foundations that contribute to Chapel Hill. Maybe if they put less money into their basketball program and more into the actual school, then their campus wouldn't look like crap.

I hope my children go to a better college than UNC. Like Barber Scotia or the Mongolian School of Juggling. If my hypothetical child has to choose between living in Chapel Hill or living in Kazakstan, I hope my kid lives in a hut with Borat. Because UNC is literally the ugliest school I have ever seen, ever.

Sweet, Beautiful Capitalism

I'm looking at funding sources for a new autism foundation. Why? 'Cause non-profits pay me that real cheddar, son! Dolla dolla bill, y'all!

In my research, I've been looking at charitable foundation. See, when you make, I don't know, a billion dollars, you start to feel guilty, so you start a charitable foundation. Naturally, you can't give all of your ill gotten gain, I mean profits, to the poor. You need to make sure that the funds keep growing and that you can have control over a little fiefdom. You shall not give money to the poor unless you can meet my completely pointless criteria!

For some reason, people who start charitable foundations seem to make their focus areas the areas where their company has caused the most problems. For example, the Kate B Reynolds charitable trust gives money for health care. Kate B Reynolds, as in the makers of Camel, Winston, Doral and Salem brand cigarettes. Fantastic! We give you lung cancer and then we give away money for health care!

Duke Energy, which constructs nuclear power plants from the blood of children, has the environment as its main focus area. Now I don't have a problem with nuclear power plants and I'm glad Duke created Lake Norman, but still...

Thursday, January 24, 2008

See you in 2012, Dennis

Dennis Kucinich has dropped out of the race. I do like Dennis. I admire him the same way I admire Ralph Nader. They are both people who believe what they say and live truthfully. There is no cognitive dissonance for Dennis or Ralph and they should be appreciated and embraced for that.

I don't agree with Kucinich or Nader on most of their policies, especially their economic policies. But at least they stand up for something. Maybe in another country, they would be considered viable and therefore they could win a nomination. There would be worse things then voting for Dennis Kucinich.

Stay strong, Dennis. Even those who may not agree with you completely can appreciate your ideals and courage.

See you 2012.

Primary Support

I wasn't going to give any money for the primary. I don't like to choose between Democrats, it makes me uncomfortable. But because of all the disgusting attacks on Obama, I had to send them money.

I would have contributed to Edwards, but although I think Hillary hates John Edwards, I think she calls Barack Obama a very inappropriate name in private. No, I don't have any proof. I just have a feeling in my gut that HRC refers to Barack with that most disgusting of English words.

Even if she doesn't, I can't listen to this "Obama is a Muslim who eats children" nonsense any more. I felt so disgusted that I had to give Obama money.

I just hope he wins. I don't know who I'd vote for if it was HRC vs McCain (And I am VERY partisan, for the record). I have a strong feeling in my gut that I would vote for McCain. I hope Barack spares me from that consideration.

Al Gore

Al Gore just came out in support of gay marriage. In January, 2008, without the burden of a job, he finally came out.

Fantastic Al! Do you think one day, the females can vote? Do you think you might endorse desegregation? Might the markets mess up from time to time, Mr. Gore?

What a disgusting move. I can't stand this self righteous jerk. How can you be Green when you have a huge mansion? And don't tell me he buys offsets. He doesn't need a mansion! Offsets are for when you produce goods, i.e. we just made a bunch of cars we need to plant some trees to offset the pollution. Last time I checked, Al Gore doesn't manufacture cars. Can we admit that he doesn't need a mansion?

Coming out in 2008 in support of gay marriage? When you're not going to do anything political about it? Are you kidding me? Wow, what a brave man!

2 options:

1. Al Gore always supported gay marriage but waited until 2008 to say it, which makes him a coward.

2. Al Gore didn't think gay people were people, deserving of the same rights as anyone else. In which case, Al Gore is an asshole.

I am so sick of these Clinton era dinosaurs. Now you're a liberal? I'd ask Al Gore to blow me, but apparently he doesn't think that's bad anymore.


Wednesday, January 23, 2008


That's the number of "misstatements" the Bush administration made about Iraq before the Iraq war. A study by two nonprofit journalism organizations came up with the tally. They call them "misstatements" but I prefer "lies."


Are you kidding me?

At least there's only one more year with this monster.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Fred, we hardly knew ye

Fred Thompson dropped out of the race for the Republican nomination. I can't believe that angry, lazy Conservative block did not come out to vote. I guess the lazy part should have tipped us off.

Economist Ads

I read the Economist a lot. I would read Maxim or Sports Illustrated, but I'm actually a 23 year old grown man. I mean, I likes me some pictures, but I've found myself enjoying the "articles" as well. The Economist, unlike CNN, doesn't have endless sports analogies, so its kind of nice.

However, the Economist has a lot of rich douche bag ads. It turns out that I don't actually want a Land Rover or a Cartier watch. And I don't want to do business in Sri Lanka either. (Although they do have an ad for a Ford Escape Hybrid, which is my dream car. Not having a Cadillac Escalade as my dream car is what's going to keep me from eating cat food as an old man).

The best ad is for Patek Philippe which aparently makes watches. There's a frazzled looking white dude helping his frazzled looking cracker son with his homework. The ad has douche bag phrases like "Start your own tradition" and "You never actually own a Patek Philippe. You merely look after it for the next generation."

I don't know how much the watch costs. It doesn't really matter. I don't need it. I already have a watch, its called a cell phone. Also, I do want to pass down traditions and knowledge to my children. I'd like to pass on Christmas and Easter. I'd like to pass on my socially liberal and mildly conservative economic views to my child. I'd like to pass on my religion, my values, hopefully not my hair as I will be bald by the time I'm forty.

I don't need to pass on a watch. This isn't 1832. Its actually really easy to tell time these days.

Apparently there is another way

When your boss fires you in the upcoming RECESSION OF DOOM, keep in mind a few things. Not only is your boss a jerk for firing you, he's also a liar. Because when they fire you in the upcoming HORRIBLY DESTRUCTIVE RECESSION OF DEATH AND DESPAIR, your boss will tell you that they have to fire you, because its a recession, and they can't afford to keep you. After all, who would keep their employees during a downturn?

Apparently the Japanese would. In an Economist survey of 723 Japanese firms, 94% offer lifetime employment. Let me say that again, 94% offer lifetime employment. So they won't fire you. They'll be loyal to you.

But these are small companies, right? Yeah, little Mom and Pop joints like Toyota, Canon, Yamaha, Hitachi and Mitsubishi. Somehow, they're able to balance capitalism with respect for their workforce. Its almost like they care about people.

By the way, Japan is the second largest economy in the world, despite having a smaller population then we have and few natural resources.

So when you get canned, know that your boss is a uncaring capitalist. And know that Uncaring Capitalism is a fun American version, and that other countries do things a different way.

Five percent unemployment.........

does not equal a recession. Its not even that bad. The natural rate is about 4.5%. (No one can agree what the natural rate actually is). If you're working in the banking industry or the mortgage industry, you're unemployment rate is higher. Well, maybe you shouldn't have lost billions of dollars. Cause and effect, BOA, cause and effect.

A couple of other things. If you can't pay your mortgage, get a better job or rent. "Predatory lending" doesn't exist. If you don't make three times the amount of your mortgage, no bank will sell you a house without a cosigner. And if someone cosigns even though you can't afford it, then you're both retarded. Its not as if all these people are going to be homeless. No, they're going to be renters. And they should be renters because they can't afford a house. The Constitution does not give us the right to own real estate. Either rent or make more money.

Finally, even though I could use an 800 dollar rebate, I hope the government doesn't pass a "stimulous" package. We have trillions of dollars in debt. Which means we need to either raise taxes or cut spending. We don't need to pump 110 BILLION dollars into the economy over the short term. That's really not that helpful.

Then again, maybe the government is a victim of predatory lending. The government didn't KNOW they'd have to pay back that money!

My Five Minute Job

I worked for five minutes today. I introduced a librarian that was giving a presentation to my stats lab, then I told my boss I had a dentist appointment. Boss said "see you on Thursday."

I would love to teach stats labs for the rest of my life. And I could make six figures. Of course, I'd have to get a PhD, which isn't going to happen for two reasons. First reason, I can't get into the school I would want to go to. Second, I would also be happy working for the City.

But it was nice to work for five minutes and get paid.

Monday, January 21, 2008

Martin Luther King

Today's Martin Luther King day, and I just wanted to write a couple of things about him. I'm actually a little emotional right now, which is a little abnormal. MLK is probably the person I most admire. Not just for his views, but the fact that he knew he was going to be assasinated and he still kept fighting. A man who truly had convictions, he even went against President Johnson, who he got along with well and worked with over the Civil Rights Act.

A few things.

1. King would be 79 today, only eight years older than John McCain. He died at the age of 39. Its amazing how much he accomplished at such a young age and that he would still be alive today if not for the assasination. Maybe we could have had a President King.........By the way, Jesse Jackson, who unlike Barack Obama was the first viable black candidate for the Democratic primary (apparently people forget about him), was there when King was assasinated. There were a lot of future leaders connected to Dr. King.

2. When he was shot, he wasn't at a Civil Rights rally. Dr. King was going to a march to support a striking sanitation workers union in Memphis. King wasn't just pro Civil Rights. He also fought against poverty and the Vietnam War.

3. The FBI started wiretapping King in 1961, and according to various conspiracy theories, was complicit in King's assasination. Fast forward forty years, and we're still wiretapping our own people.

Please don't forward things

If you have a picture of your kid, that's fine. Or if you have something personal, that's okay too. But can we please stop forwarding the assorted bs that people send?

No more 20 question quizzes. That's not a very good way to show your friendship anyway. My friend loves chocolate ice cream! I feel like I know her so well! Please just stop. If you're bored, find a job. If you don't have a job, kill yourself, because you aren't contributing to society. I know, raising a child is a full time job. But apparently, you have a lot of breaks, because there is no shortage of dumb shit you manage to send when you should be teaching your kid how to read.

And please don't send jokes and anecdotes about fictional children. Little boys are so messy! If you can't attach a name, its not real. The Charlotte Observer, which isn't exactly a great journalistic source, doesn't publish stories about an unnamed child who spilled paint everywhere. Anonymous boys will be anonymous boys apparently!

Also, for any email or forward or anything that has ever been written on a computer, USE SPELL CHECK! Its a button! Clicking it takes two seconds! This is not a difficult process!

Oh, I guess I'm being too harsh. I mean, I also love choclate and am afraid of dyieng.

Monday, January 14, 2008

Maybe I can writedown my credit cards....

Citigroup, that beautiful Mom and Pop bank, is writing down 20 BILLION dollars. Whoops.

How does one company lose 20 billion dollars? Its hard for the government to lose that much money, and we have Bush in charge of things. 20 billion dollars. Its so ridiculous.

On a happier note, Bank of America is buying Countrywide, which is awesome. Because BOA + Countrywide can lose WAY more money than the two companies could individual. C'mon Bank of America! Hit the 21 billion mark! Beat those Citigroup wimps!

A few things

1. I got excited about writing my thesis for my MPA. Dr. Christensen made it seem exciting. I may need to kill myself.

2. I got excited about teaching a stats lab tomorrow. This is probably not good.

3. While shopping at Harris Teeter, I had a hymn pop into my head. As in, Lutheran hymn from church. So I was buying soy milk and humming along. This is probably good.

4. I've discovered that I can hold a newborn like a football, and vacuum. I also enjoy doing house work. I'm not worried about becoming a house husband, or something like that, because I got a 95 on a budgeting exam, and house husbands don't talk about debt instruments and the importance of credit ratings. But I would like to spend the day working for the City and then spending the night domestic like.

5. I wish Rudy Guiliani would be found slumped over in the bathroom stall at Scorpio's with an unGodly object sticking out of him. I don't want you thinking I've gone soft. No matter how domestic/well behaved/spiritual I get, I still want the Republican leadership to be outed in a bathroom stall. Larry Craig being a gift from God, and all.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Well, Obama's done

He's been endorsed by John Kerry. He's really sealed up the Massachusets Robot vote. And we know how solid John Kerry's image is across the nation.....

Can we make a rule that people from Massachusets and Texas can't run for President? You know, through out the outliers? Just a thought.


Everyone's favorite mercenary army, Blackwater, is in the news again. Apparently, in 2005, Blackwater dropped CS gas upon Iraqi civilians and US SOLDIERS. CS gas is prohibited to be used by an international treaty banning chemical weapons that the United States signed. OUR SOLDIERS CANNOT USE THIS GAS. But apparently Blackwater can.

If Blackwater sounds familiar, its because they killed 17 Iraqis in September of last year. We have a mercenary group that is killing Iraqi civilians and gassing our own soldiers. For some reason, this upsets me.

We now live in a country where it is ADMITTED that we TORTURE people. And we are occupying a country where we periodically kill their civilians with either our own troops or with mercenaries. How did this happen?

One other fun Blackwater note. When Blackwater got into trouble for, you know, shooting innocent civilians, they decided to hire a Public Relations firm, BKSH & Associates Worldwide. Who is one of BKSH's clients? HRC.

Delegate count

Beneath the hype of who's won Iowa, and momentum and everything else, is the actual number of delegates. If you listen to the MSM, Edwards is all but gone. If you look at the number of delegates, not so much.

(Note: The Democratic Party has "Superdelegates" which is impossible to explain. Superdelegates include every Democratic member of Congress, some other elected Democratic officials and members of the Democratic National Convention. HRC has a bunch of superdelegates already. HRC has a bunch of members of the DNC endorsing her, as well as former Vice President Walter Mondale. So there's always that).

The current delegate count:

Hillary- 187
Barack- 89
John- 50

The magic number for winning the nomination is 2,025. If a single candidate does not win 2,025, that means they have to make a deal. For example, John Edwards could give Barack his delegates in return for the Vice Presidency. Or they could just let whoever wins the most delegates win the nomination, even if they didn't get a simple majority.

A few things to remember:

1. Superdelegates make up about 20% of the total delegates in the Democratic Party.
2. John Edwards, even though he hasn't won a primary, is only 39 delegates behind Barack, who was being anointed last week.
3. We choose our Presidential candidates based on things like "superdelegates" and "caucuses" and "cage death matches". Our country may in fact be retarded.

Primary Schedule

Because I'm a nerd and because people have asked, here is the schedule for the rest of the primaries. Note that the Dems and Republicans don't necessarily have their primary held on the same days. (First X is Dems, Second X is Republicans). Next up, Michigan, Nevada and SC.

Date State and type Democrat Republican

January 15 Michigan primary X X

January 19 Nevada caucus X X

January 19 South Carolina primary -- X

January 26 South Carolina primary X --

January 29 Florida primary X X


February 1 Maine caucus -- X

February 5 Alabama primary X X

February 5 Alaska caucus X X

February 5 Arizona primary X X

February 5 Arkansas primary X X

February 5 California primary X X

February 5 Colorado caucus X X

February 5 Connecticut primary X X

February 5 Delaware primary X X

February 5 Georgia primary X X

February 5 Idaho caucus X --

February 5 Illinois primary X X

February 5 Kansas primary X --

February 5 Massachusetts primary X X

February 5 Minnesota caucus X X

February 5 Missouri primary X X

February 5 New Jersey primary X X

February 5 New Mexico caucus X --

February 5 New York primary X X

February 5 North Dakota caucus X X

February 5 Oklahoma primary X X

February 5 Tennessee primary X X

February 5 Utah primary X X

February 9 Kansas primary -- X

February 9 Louisiana primary X X

February 10 Maine caucus X --

February 12 District of Columbia primary X X

February 12 Maryland primary X X

February 12 Virginia primary X X

February 19 Hawaii caucus X --

February 19 Washington primary X X

February 19 Wisconsin primary X X


March 4 Ohio primary X X

March 4 Rhode Island primary X X

March 4 Texas primary X X

March 4 Vermont primary X X

March 8 Wyoming caucus X --

March 11 Mississippi primary X X


April 22 Pennsylvania primary X X


May 6 Indiana primary X X

May 6 North Carolina primary X X

May 13 Nebraska primary X X

May 13 West Virginia primary X X

May 20 Kentucky primary X X

May 20 Oregon primary X X

May 27 Idaho caucus -- X


June 3 Montana primary X X

June 3 New Mexico primary -- X

June 3 South Dakota primary X X

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

We're #1!!!!!!

According to ABC News, the US is number 1 in preventable deaths among all industrialized nations! If we had health care like Canada's we would save an extra 100,000 lives a year. But then we'd be qwars! And we'd have socialized health care! Plus, those 100,000 people that died can't vote any more, so screw them!


Friday, January 4, 2008

People I could do without

1. Hillary Clinton

2. Sean Glennon

3. People who hate immigrants. Unless your name is Sitting Bull, you immigrated to this country too, jackass.

4. Hillary Clinton.

5. Britney Spears' little sister. Can't the government intervene and sterilize this family? I know they're not poor black women on welfare, but still. (Yes, in fact, we did sterilize poor black women on welfare. USA! USA!)

6. The writer's strike morons. Hey, I'm pro-union, but you guys don't have real jobs. You, um, make up stories. And that's cool, but you should just be happy you're getting paid. Poor writer's! You must have horrible working conditions! My God, some of them must have carpal tunnel! Writer's will now be known as Unuseful Secretaries.

7. Hillary Clinton.

8. Carolina basketball fans. Wow, you beat Kent State! Fantastic! By the way, if you didn't go to a school, and aren't married to someone who went to said school, don't cheer for them. Freakin' Daywalkers.

9. My brother's in laws, who got my niece a singing pig that sings in Chinese for Christmas. I've been known to get children gifts primarily because they make annoying sounds, but do we really need Chinese songs blaring all the time? Isn't Elmo annoying enough? Also, if we're going to hate immigrants, can we stop the mail order bride business? Someone who will deliver my furniture is infinitely more useful than someone who marries a fifty-five year old man deep into his midlife crisis.

10. Hillary Clinton.

11. Hillary Clinton.

12. Hillary Clinton.

13. Hillary Clinton.

14. Hillary Clinton.

15. Hillary Clinton.

Sorry, I had a seizure there for a minute. I feel like Jack Nicholson in the Shining. All work and no play makes me want to blow up the Hillary Clinton campaign bus.

Nice thing about Kansas Football

is that their fat ass coach is going to choke to death on a donut any time now. I don't hate Mark Mangino like I hate Charlie Weiss, except for last night. But I do wish for Mangino's demise.

Nebraska's football team sucks, and Kansas' is good? I think we've entered another dimension.

Mangino could do me one favor though. He could eat Sean Glennon. I swear to God, Glennon plays quarterback with a blind fold on. I know, I know, he was really good against Duke. Please Jabba the Hut, I mean, Coach Mangino, eat Sean Glennon and end this nightmare for Hokie football.

No blue collar work for me

I had furniture delivered today. The guy carried a giant chair up a flight of stairs by himself. Then he and his partner carried a big couch up the stairs. He said that my apartment was stop number 9 of 14. I couldn't do that kind of work day in and day out.

My older brothers both work for beer reps. Sometimes they have to stack kegs. And they have to stack kegs three high. So both of my brothers can left a keg straight up, and stack it on top of two other kegs. I couldn't LIFT a single keg, let alone stack them.

I really do admire people that do blue collar work. Because I couldn't. I would much rather sit at a computer all day. I do think that my brothers and the delivery guys work a lot harder than I do, and I'm thankful for that.

Mike Gravel

Dropped out. Anyone here know that Mike Gravel was running as a Democratic Presidential Candidate?

Also, what happened to Dennis Kucinich? If a Socialist can't win in Iowa, where can they win?


Joe Biden dropped out. I was sure he'd be too drunk to realize the caucuses were under way.

C'mon Joe! You got one percent! That's way better than Dodd's zero percent! Just keep fighting!

Alas, Senator Biden has gone back to Conneticut, where he will have drunken orgies with hundreds of women and many mythical creatures. Then he will drink lead paint and purple drank, and all will be right with the world.


Three things stand out;

1. Hillary coming in third, and getting beat, BADLY by Obama. The polls showed a dead heat between HRC, Edwards and Obama, and then Obama beats both of them by 8 points. This really impressed me. They talked about Obama winning by so much because he was able to attract independents and even a few Republicans. Um, this is a good thing. Last time I checked, we may need independents and even a few Republicans to win a general election.

2. Huckabee is Pat Buchanan. Or any other Republican outsider who managed to win one primary. Huckabee got the lion's share of the evangelical vote which doesn't exist in New Hampshire. Mike is a one trick pony. And even if he were to win the nomination, check out the turnout statistics from yesterday, Republicans vs Democrats. We turned out a whole lot more people than they did. Obama or Edwards would crush Huckabee in a national election. And its not like Iowa and Arkansas are blue states anyway. I think we'll be fine without them.

3. Ron Paul got 10 percent of the Republican vote. God, I hope he runs as an Independent.