Sunday, June 8, 2008

Things that Drive Liberals Crazy Part 2

Joe Lieberman.

Typing that name is causing an involuntary twitch, but we will perservere. What could possibly drive us crazy about Joe Lieberman? Is it the giant failure of a race that he ran in 2000? No. Is it his endorsement of John McCain? No. Is it the fact that he endorsed John McCain after running for Vice President eight years ago? Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes!!!!!!!!!

Oh, and in this clip, Joe claims that Hamas, Hezbollah and Iran want Obama to be President. Thanks Joe!

Things that Drive Liberals Crazy Part 1

The word "Democrat candidate".

As in:

We have the Republican candidate and the Democrat candidate.


The Republican Party stands for God and Country while the Democrat party stands for Homos and Satan.

If your ears bleed when you hear this, and your brain screams "Its DEMOCRATIC!" then you are a liberal partisan. We now have to track down some Republican strategist on CNN who won't call us by the proper name.

Saturday, June 7, 2008

The Concession

She was very self congradulatory, which is a little odd, but she gave the necessary "Yes We Can" soundbite. Was it a gracious speech? Um, no. But HRC didn't talk about how she should have won, etc. She did what she needed to do.

Good riddance.

Only 42 minutes late

Senator Clinton is supposed to give her concession speech to Senator Obama, and she just arrived. Nothing personal about being 42 minutes late. She surely isn't trying to upstage Senator Obama.

Still, it appears as though this nightmare is about to end.

Heaven as an Amusement Park

This is from Andrew Sullivan's website. The link wasn't working, so there's no telling what nutjob came up with this. This is quite beautiful, though. (Click the picture for a larger image).

Personal favorites are the Throne of Mary, where the Catholics hang out, and the snack bar. Popcorn and funnel cake in Heaven? Count us in!