Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Hil Dawg going after Edwards

John Edwards had some well deserved momentum going into the SC primary, so HRC decided to send out voice mails attacking Edwards. Here's the actual transcript:

Voice: Hello, This is the Hillary Clinton for President Campaign.
Before you vote on Saturday, you should know that John Edwards voted for permanent trade relations with China. That’s right, John Edwards voted for the bill that cost thousands of jobs. Like the ones in the textile mills he talks about so much down here.

You should also know that John Edwards made nearly a half a million dollars working for a Wall Street investment fund. A fund that’s been profiting on foreclosing on the homes of families; including 100 homes right here in South Carolina. That’s according to The State newspaper. Here in South Carolina, Edwards says he’s one of us, but up on Wall Street he was just another one of them.

Can you trust John Edwards? This call is paid for by the Hillary Clinton for President Campaign.

Um, Hillary, John might take this personally. Especially the home foreclosure part. Seeing as Edwards views poverty as the cause of his life, this might not be the best idea. Edwards was actually defensive of HRC in the last debate. I'm guessing he won't be in the next one, on January 31st.

Obama needs to offer Edwards whatever he wants, VP, Attorney General, whatever. Because John Edwards is a pit bull. And you want the pit bull on your side.

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