Monday, October 1, 2007

Silly Police Officer, Don't Mess With Academics

Part of the fun of graduate school and working with professors all day is hearing the various stories they tell. Although it is fun to hear about how Professor A thinks Professor B is a blowhard, I need a little more. I need a story about how you abuse your power for evil rather than good.

On that note. Professor {NAME REDACTED} was attending a conference in Syracuse with Professor {NAME REDACTED}. Professor {NAME REDACTED} number one is a budgeting expert. Professor {NAME REDACTED} number two is a constitutional law professor. Um, keep in mind the constitutional law professor in mind.

The two professors had a couple of beers and decided to drive home. (Fun fact, the bar was called the Wayward Wench). Although not drunk, they were driving down the road after midnight, going 30 in a 30 mph zone. They were tempting the local cop to pull them over, they had to know that.

Sure enough, the cop pulls them over. Both professors start laughing because they know they can't go to jail. They're Academics Gone Wild! They will not bow to common sense! They must prove the cop wrong! They didn't get PhD's and intend not to use them! (Note that they did not break any actual law. They were just out past midnight and a cop decided to harass them. Also note that they will not go quietly into that good night. Because they are Academics Gone Wild!!!!!)

Local cop turns on his sirens and pulls them over. He walks up to the drivers door and asks for their license and registration.

Constitutional Law Professor: Um, first you have to give me a reason why you pulled me over.
Local cop: Sir, step out of the car.
Constitutional Law Professor: Um, no. I don't have to.
Local cop: Sir, step out of the car.
Constitutional Law Professor: I must respectfully decline officer.
Second Professor laughs hysterically while this is going on.

So the local cop does the only logical thing. HE CALLS FOR BACKUP. So now there are FOUR cops cornering two professors, who by now are giggling like school girls. Why so many cops? Because they must stop the Academics Gone Wild!

Don't mess with political science professors. They don't care. They do what they want. They'll spend a night in jail to prove a point. Because they are (say it with me now) Academics Gone Wild!

The moral of the story, don't give cops grief. And to the police, um, read the Constitution.

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