Monday, October 29, 2007

Me and My Gang

I am open to the idea of a chihuahua gang. I used to be like other guys and bitch about chihuahuas. But here's what I've learned in my ripe old age.

1. If something makes one person really happy and only mildly upsets the other person, you should do what makes the one person really happy.
2. A chihuahua for a women is compensation for hundreds of years of oppression and child birth pains. Its like reparations. 40 purses and a chihuahua.
3. Life is short. The world is screwed up. Am I really going to draw the line in the sand over a dog?
4. A gang is cool, whether its a chihuahua gang or the Bloods. Sorry CMPD, my chihuahua gang and I are Ride or Die!

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