Wednesday, December 26, 2007

My experience in a non-job qualifies me to be President

I don't know why I'm so anti-HRC these days. I think its because seeing Bill Clinton, all redfaced, and proclaiming his love for his wife is disgusting. Or it may be that her supporters are underwhelming. Barack Obama has Eric Michael Dyson, and John Edwards has Elizabeth Edwards who is officially registered as a pitt bull with the AKC. HRC has less convincing supporters.

Today on MSNBC, an HRC supporter was talking about how Hillary's time as First Lady makes her qualified to be President. "She met with foreign dignitaries, she passed out punch, she gave directions to the bathroom!"

First of all, First Lady isn't an actual job. We don't cut the First Lady a check. (If this is wrong, and Laura Bush is being paid right now, don't tell me, because I don't need the anuerysm). First Lady isn't a job. She's not even First Hostess. She doesn't take reservations, dammit! She's not going to check my coat when I go there in an alternate reality where I'm invited to the White House. The First Lady simply stands there and smiles awkwardly.

Wait a second. Maybe I'm wrong.

Doesn't being married to a CEO make you qualified to be a CEO? If I married a lawyer, wouldn't that mean I'd have a JD and my wife would have a MPA? If I married Andrew Sullivan, wouldn't my blog be pithier? If I married Guiliani wouldn't I get all his non qualifications? If I married Britney Spears, wouldn't my underwear all magically disappear? If I married my cat, wouldn't I gain the ability to clear rooms with my farts?

I guess I'm being too harsh. HRC probably learned a lot while she was laying in bed with Bill after their crazy Monkey Sex sessions. I'm sure she overheard a lot of conversations when she and Bill were in their afterglow.

Holy crap. Monica is qualified to be President!

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