Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Bat Cookies!

The highlight of Christmas was giving presents to the kids I babysit, Zach and Gwen. We got them a little train set, and a jungle play set. The jungle play set had a giant King Kong like gorilla and a bunch of other animals. There were also little bat circles that Zach said were "bat cookies." Zach proceeded to feed King Kong the bat cookies.

It was also nice to see Z&G's parents on the floor, playing with the toys along with us. There were four adults, with a combined two JDs, two PhDs, a MPA and five bachelor's degrees, but we were all on the floor, playing with Zach and Gwen and not worrying about work or politics or anything else.

That's all I want in my life. I want to go to work, come home, and play with "bat cookies" with a little boy and a little girl.

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