Tuesday, December 25, 2007

My coolness decreases at the same rate as inflation

My family and I don't have much in common, what with my emphasis on schoolin' and their emphasis on never accomplishing anything. Anyway, this is a gap that is not going to get any smaller. I speak the King's English, they use a series of guttural moans and grunts.

Some highlights:

1. I ask if I can pay a bet in 2020 dollars. ('Cause with inflation, 2020 dollars are worth less than present dollars. I know, I suck).

2. I ask my brother, who is now driving a black tinted Dodge Charger, when he stole a black tinted Dodge Charger. He claims he got it from a rental place. I ask said brother if he'll sale me some crack.

3. I bought XM radio for myself for Christmas. I listened to a League of Women Voters program on the 2008 election channel. I also listened to an interview with John Zogby, the pollster, (who thinks Edwards can still win) and a C-Span book TV program. I'm pretty sure my future children will be nerds, I'm just not sure what subgroup of nerd they will be in.

4. Another fun part about XM radio, making my brother Jason listen to Country music. There's like 8 country channels. Quoting Jason, "I mean, its cool that you listen to this stuff, but can you please play something else?" In the spirit of brotherly love, I turned up the radio and started singing Sugarland obnoxiously, "Why don't you STAY!!!!"

5. Brother Josh asks for the XM radio list. Jason hands him a bulletin from Advent. Josh says "This isn't the channel list. This is Jesus stuff." Jason hands him another bulletin. "This isn't it either. This is more Jesus stuff." I sing loudly to Little Big Town. "C'mon baby, give me a little more you!"

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