Friday, February 29, 2008

Poor Hillary

Poor Senator Clinton. She's being discriminated against and losing because she's a woman, and the playing field is unfair.

Quoting Mother Teresa/Rosa Parks/Female Jesus:

"Every so often I just wish that it were a little more of an even playing field but, you know, I play on whatever field is out there."

So she's losing because the game is unfair. THE GAME IS UNFAIR FOR HILLARY CLINTON? Has the Earth stopped spinning on its axis?

HRC has benefited from:

1. Complete name recognition
2. Her husband's campaign staff
3. A huge financial war chest (its not Obama's fault she spent it all)
4. A 5 million dollar loan.
5. Constant media coverage for the past 15 years.

But apparently, the playing field isn't fair. And she acts like a saint for because she'll "play on whatever field is out there".

Does she realize that she's running against an AFRICAN AMERICAN? As though Obama is benefiting from our vast Patriarchy. The idea that SHE is the one at a disadvantage is complete nonsense.

How can anyone vote for HRC????

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