Friday, February 22, 2008

Obama for the Heisman

Apparently Mack Brown, the coach of the Texas Longhorns offered both Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton a tour of the facilities and to meet with some of their players. Barack accepted. So now there are pictures of Barack on ESPN and interviews with Colt McCoy, the Longhorns quarterback, talking about what a nice and down to earth guy Obama is. I'm pretty sure this earned him some votes in Texas.

HRC didn't want to go. I guess she didn't realize that people in Texas like college football.

Here are some other events that HRC may want to avoid.

Don't go to a NASCAR race for the North Carolina primary. A couple hundred thousand people isn't worth it.

Don't go to a Cavaliers game for the Ohio primary. People in Cleveland HATE Lebron James.

Make sure and go to a gay pride rally for the Mississippi primary. Trent Lott's people love them qwars!

Talk about the importance of not marrying your cousin for the West Virginia primary. Oh, and say coal sucks and Rich Rodriguez is awesome.

For the Oregon primary, pump your own gas.

For the Puerto Rico primary, ask loudly why no one will speak English. When someone tries to address you in Spanish, don't respond in kind. Just speak louder, they'll understand.

If Hillary follows these helpful tips, she will definitely win.

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