Saturday, February 23, 2008

New Vegetarian

Well, another pinko commie has become a vegetarian. So now its me, Carrie Underwood and Milwaukee Brewer's slugger Prince Fielder. I think its helpful when a 260 pound baseball player converts to vegetarianism.

The reason for his change? His wife gave him a book on how animals are treated and slaughtered.

Via the pinko Milwaukee Journal Sentinel:

It wasn't always this way. Fielder used to enjoy a stacked burger or a juicy steak as much as any carnivore, but a few weeks ago he received a book from his wife, Chanel, that changed his outlook on what he puts in his massive frame. The book described how certain animals are treated and slaughtered for food.

"After reading that, (meat) just didn't sound good to me anymore," Fielder said. "It grossed me out a little bit. It's not a diet thing or anything like that. I don't miss it at all."

I think this is pretty cool. When you quit eating meat for ethical reasons, it is easy to quit fully and permanently. When there's an ethical reason, there is no temptation.

Also, Bill Maher said that eating meat causes more pollution and global warming then cars, trains and planes. This is, scientifically, true. Just something to think about.

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