Thursday, February 7, 2008

Inside the Implosion

Its prety amazing that the Republican party has gone to war with itself. If you look at the Democrats, you can see the difference. I personally think the differences between HRC and Barack are very large, but at least they aren't philosophically opposed to each other.

The Republicans, on the other hand........

You have John McCain who is a foreign policy conservative, possibly an economic conservative, possibly a social conservative. He has major legislation with fun names like McCain/Feingold, McCain/Kennedy and McCain/Lieberman. Lieberman aside, I can understand the frustration for Republicans to have someone who voted with Russ Feingold or Teddy Kennedy. Its the equivalant of HRC cosponsoring with Trent Lott. Or Barack cosponsoring with the Devil.

Then there's Huckabee. He's a social conservative (scured of qwars) but an economic and foreign policy liberal. He's criticized the War Criminal on foreign policy, and he's a tax raising, benefits providing fiscal liberal. This is a guy who's not nearly as Conservative as people want to make him out to be. He's a Baptist preacher and according to Zachary he's crazy, but that doesn't make him a Conservative. One out of three is 33%. That's a big, fat F for Mike.

Finally, the recently departed Mitt Romney. Mitt is a fiscal, foreign policy and social Conservative with a capital C. Apparently the Republicans didn't vote for him because he's a Mormon or because he doesn't look like he's insane.

The equivalent on the Democratic side would be if a black guy, a trade unionist and a Starbucks liberal shanked each other publicly. Of course Starbucks liberals don't agree with trade unionists, but its not like we're going to war with each other. But the Republicans are, which is beautiful.

Thank God politics is cyclical. I can't wait until 2028, when we implode!

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