Sunday, November 18, 2007

Debate Nonsense

CNN is showing the rerun from the last Democratic debate. Why am I watching debate reruns? I don't know. Why do I watch To Catch A Predator reruns? 'Cause I do. Every time its the same. But I just can't stop watching.

Two somewhat unrelated notes while I'm trying to figure out what a Corporate Democrat and what a Special Interest actually is.....

First, when did we become the anti-free trade party? That's for crazy Republicans who are afraid of foreignors. Why are we embracing this nonsense? NAFTA was wrong! China is evil! Um, did I miss something?

I'm sorry that three people died from the Chinese lead filled tooth paste/toy/vibrator of death. But there's 300 MILLION of us! It sucks that those three people died, but should I have to pay more for my tooth paste/toys/vibrators just because three people died? Death happens. Its sucks. Sorry. However, if we can get really cheap stuff, and someone I've never heard of dies, I'm cool with that.

This sounds harsh. But think about the thousands of people that died today from car wrecks, cancer, heart disease or guns. Thousands of people die everyday. It sucks. Sorry. But why do we freak out when three people die from lead paint, but when I-85 is a death trap, oh that's fine! Some little kid gets shot because he was playing with his dads gun, oh thats okay. But not the Chinese Dora the Explorer of Death!

By the way, we're the country that freaked out over spinach. Oh my God! Not spinach! Its the most deadly plant ever!!!!! Now where did I put my Marlboros.......

And number two...........

Yucca Mountain.

Apparently we have a bunch of nuclear waste. And we need to put it somewhere. And no one wants to put it anywhere. All the candidates keep talking about finding some magical technological solution or turning the waste into corn and the corn into ethanol or something. Nuclear power plants make waste. So do coal power plants. The difference is that the coal waste goes straight into the air and the nuclear waste, well, apparently it just sits there. But the good thing is that the nuclear power plant in Charlotte created Lake Norman! You get some gigantic fish when your lake is near a power plant! (This is true, actually).

The Republicans or somebody, I'm just going to say the Republicans, want to put all our nuclear waste into Yucca Mountain. Which means that the whole country gets to benefit except for one crappy part of Nevada. And I'm assuming Yucca Mountain is a crappy part of Nevada because people seem to want to put a lot of nuclear waste there.

Here's the easy solution, so that every American benefits, even the eighteen legged frogs that should have been born at Yucca Mountain.

We export it!

Send this nuclear crap to Mexico. Give them a billion dollars to take it. Fair deal. A billion dollars and they can turn the giant mountain of nuclear waste into a tourist attraction. Come see the Great Nuclear Mountain of Tijuana! Its not just the margaretias that tear you up!

Or send it to China. For a billion dollars they'd take it. Send it to our friends in Saudi Arabia. Send it to our colony in Iraq. Do you really think that the Iraqis are concerned about nuclear waste? In exchange for, I don't know, not killing them as much, I'm sure they'd be willing to take it.

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