Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Candidate Questions

Okay, I kind of freaked out for a minute. For some reason, the thought of spending trillions of dollars and the deaths of almost four thousand soldiers pissed me off a bit. So who makes me feel better?

My gay boyfriend, Andrew Sullivan.

Andrew was on Bill Maher, and he said he had two questions for the Republican presidential candidates.

1. Would you, if given the chance, have Osama bin Laden aborted before birth?

2. Would you engage in a sexual exchange with a partner of the same sex if it meant you could stop a terrorist attack?

Now of course, these questions are pretty unfair. Kind of like the "would you use torture to stop a terrorist attack", the crux of the issue being whether or not using torture would help stop a terrorist attack. I don't think torture or having sex with another dude would stop an attack. I also think that if Bin Laden had been aborted, someone else would have attacked us, because, um, some people in other parts of the world actually object to our periodic habit of blowing up places where they live.

Still, I'd like to thank Andrew for broadening the debate, if you will.

I think Mitt Romney's head would explode if he had to think about making sweet love to a dude in order to stop the Islamofacists. I think John McCain already had sex with a dude, that dude being Jerry Falwell (great job having values John!)

As for Rudy Guiliani's answer to whether he would play hide the sausage with Andrew Sullivan, he would answer the same way he answers every other question: 9/11.

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