Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Old Liberal Politics with a Libertarian Streak

Politics. Political views. Its what defines us. You might think, "Politics doesn't define me", but, um, yeah it does. You may think you're apolitical or an "Independent" but you're not. Because there are gut reactions that you feel about certain subjects and those subjects are political. People may get upset when you don't like they're favorite team or favorite movie or favorite food, but friendships die because of political disagreements. So in the spirit of dead friendships, here's my political beliefs....

First, the non-controversial ones. The ones that everyone agrees on. I, like everyone else, think the government should provide good schools, good roads and a good police force. I think we should have a military, I think we should have freedom of speech and freedom of religion. I think the bald eagle should be protected, that apple pie isn't the crapiest food in the world, and that I would rather live in America than in Haiti.

Now, the political beliefs that define a person. First, abortion. Abortion's first on most people's list and not just because its alphabetical. I think abortion is necessary. Why? Because not everyone can provide for a child. Some people do not have the intellectual, emotional, monetary or spiritual requirements to provide for a child. These people should have an option not to have children. I don't want someone's kid who they didn't want robbing me in 20 years. Some people might suggest adoption or to have the state take care of the children. Anyone who has ever seen a government group home or an orphanage knows these places are horrible. Is it morally wrong to have an abortion? Yes. Is it morally wrong to have a child you can't provide for? The answer is yes to that to.

Then there's capital punishment. This stays with the alphabetical theme. Now this is not the death penalty, because the death penalty isn't a penalty. Holding is a penalty. Death is permanent. Therefore it is capital punishment. Now our particular system of capital punishment is especially cruel, see the state of Texas as an example. But improper execution of capital punishment shouldn't be the main issue, even though it is pleasantly ironic. If the problem is that we are executing the wrong people, it doesn't mean we should get rid of capital punishment, it means we should stop executing the wrong people. I'd prefer to expand capital punishment. We need to have a way to remove predators from our society. Who are the biggest predators? Child molesters and rapists. These are people that can't be reformed. So we can get rid of them. But we should probably stop executing people who are murderers. Again, not just because its ironic to kill people who kill people. Most people have thought about killing someone else, few people think about raping someone. If the justice system is about reform, then murderers should be released. I think a murderer has an easier time being rehabilitated then a child molester. Or, here's how you kill two birds with one stone....keep rapists and child molesters in with the murderers. I can guess who would win.

Next is creationism. This argument is particularly off the mark. There's a constant, "We should teach creationism. No, we should teach evolution," when really, it doesn't matter. First, it doesn't matter whether we were created or evolved. Because we're here. I believe God created me, but that's beside the point. The point is that our schools are incapable of teaching simple concepts that everyone agrees upon. So why are we wasting time teaching kids evolution or creationism? Let's forget that nonsense and teach kids helpful things like how to make a budget or how to use a condom.

Now lets have a G, for gays! Get out your wigs and Tina Turner CDs and meet me at Scorpios! Okay, here's the thing about gay people. There just gay. Its not a big deal. There attracted to members of the same sex. Thats all. They should be allowed all the same rights as everyone else. They should be able to get married. They should be able to get divorced. I feel like this is 1954. Seriously, aren't we past this? Are my future children really going to have to deal with this retarded issue? And don't bring religion into this, because God is about love not hate. And don't bring the procreation nonsense into this, because marriage isn't about making kids. Jesus never got married, Jesus never had kids. Aren't we supposed to be like Jesus? And beyond religion, aren't we supposed to be nice to our fellow human beings? Isn't this supposed to be America? Are we really supposed to have second class citizens? The people who are against gay marriage are going to look as stupid and intolerant as the people who were against interracial marriage.

Well, right wingers don't like gay people, who else don't they like? Oh yeah, I for immigrants! Here's the thing about immigrants, they're just normal people who happened to have come from some place else. Anyone should be allowed to move to this country provided they're not felons or have serious mental disorders. Our country can absorb millions of people. We have three hundred million people, and we're still no where near capacity. Have you seen the mid West? No one lives there. There are twelve people between Arizona and Texas. There are nine people between Texas and North Dakota. I'm pretty sure some of these places are still territories. And think about all the problems this would solve. All the Palestinians could move to Wyoming and farm dirt or whatever it is they do in Wyoming. Then there wouldn't be a Palestine-Israel conflict. Its amazing to me that when people spend time and energy moving away from their crappy countries, we send them back. Um, there's a reason they moved here, and its not to provide Lou Dobbs with a job.

Now we're going to skip to W for war. No, W isn't for George W, even though it should be. Its for the Iraq war. Most people disagree with the war now, but we can't leave. I'm confused by this. This is like people in a small town, who all agree their town is lame, but won't leave. Did I miss something? The Iraq war, in case you've been living under a bridge for four years, is a complete failure. It has cost billions of dollars and thousands of lives not to mention made life a complete hell for millions of Iraqis. Was Saddam a bad person? Of course. But that's not the question. The question is, Should we, as a nation, accept an administration that lied us into a war and will not let us leave? The question isn't what will happen to Iraq the question is what will happen to America. When a country lets its leaders lie it into a war, those leaders will lie about everything else.

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