Tuesday, January 16, 2007

The Difference Between Democrats and Republicans: A Handy Photo Reference

Some people say there are no differences between Democrats and Republicans. These people are idiots. But for the rest of us, there may be some confusion. How do you boil down an entire platform into a few sentences? Well, here at Olson's Extremely Biased Guide to the South, we're here to help. But not only will we dumb everything down into a few sentences, we'll dumb everything down into a few pictures.

First things first.....

How Republicans see America

Ever notice how traditional photos only have white people in them? I'm sure that's coincidental.

This is how Democrats see America.....

Hey, I bet police brutality disappeared after the sixties!

This is where Republicans want to put poor people....

This is where Democrats want to put poor people.......

Ahh, part of the beautiful University of North Carolina at Charlotte. The tall building in the background is the library. Books are like kryptonite to Republicans. In the front, on the water, are some geese. Dick Cheney wouldn't mind shooting his friend while pretending to shoot at our geese.

This is their leader...........

Who couldn't control Iraq and almost died from a pretzel.

This is our leader.............

Who defeated Japan, Germany, Italy and the Great Depression from a wheel chair. Guess who FDR took over after? It rhymes with a Mapublican.

And finally, this is the Republicans greatest fear.........

Doesn't the guy on the left look like Pauly Shore? Oh and you can tell the guy on the right is gay because he's wearing a fanny pack. Otherwise, you know, it would be unclear.

While this is my greatest fear..........

Don't you hate when people like this give Christianity a bad name?

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