Wednesday, May 14, 2008

John Edwards

endorsed Barack Obama today. Way to be ahead of the curve, John!

So, he could have endorsed a candidate months ago and had an impact in the race. He could have endorsed Obama before North Carolina. What is the point of endorsing him now?

Here are some other bold positions John Edwards has taken:

January 1866- Says slavery is "bad" and Lincoln was a "cool dude"

March 1922- Decides to ride on new fangled "Horseless Carriage"

May 1945- Stops referring to Jews as "Shylocks"

September 1955- Agrees to move away from the gold standard.

December 1972- Adds indoor plumbing and gas stove to mansion. Still unsure of electricity.

June 1998- Vows to look into the "Internets". Wants to buy personal computer but fears that binary code is witchcraft. How can zeros and ones equal letters?

April 2008- Buys iPod.

May 14th, 2008- Endorses the candidate who leads in total delegates, pledged delegates, popular vote, and super delegates. Also, drinks his first Starbucks latte. Wets himself when the espresso machine goes off, but regains composure and declares drink "delicious".

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