Thursday, March 13, 2008


Obama's the black candidate, apparently, because he won Mississippi and the black vote there. Seeing as it was the Mississippi DEMOCRATIC primary, who was he supposed to win over? All those liberal white voters in Mississippi?

Here, for the sake of not having an anuerysm, is a partial list of states that Obama has won, with the corresponding white population percentage of the state:

Iowa - 94.6% white
Nebraska - 91.8% white
Wyoming - 94.5% white
Idaho - 95.2%
Kansas - 89.1%
Maine - 96.7%
Utah - 93.5%
North Dakota - 91.9%
Wisconsin - 90%

So Barack Obama has an ADVANTAGE because he's black? Black people in this country make up 12.8 percent of the population. Compared to the 80.1 percent of the population made up of us crackers. (Side note, in surveys whites overestimate the population size of minorities and underestimate the size of their on population.)

Of course, those are just Census statistics. Maybe there's a lot of anecdotel evidence that black men have it easier than others. A hundred dollars to whoever can find evidence of the advanteges of being black.

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