Wednesday, April 16, 2008

That One Time, In Estonia

Apparently, Hillary Clinton loves that Drank! While traveling with John McCain in Estonia, HRC decided to hold a vodka drinking contest. The story is from the New York Times in 2006, when the Times may or may not have been making a bunch of stuff up. But since the article wasn't written by Jayson Blair, it may actually be true.

So that's why HRC always compliments McCain and bashes Obama. McCain passes the Commander-in-Chief threshold, McCain has enough experience, McCain can throw back some Stoli and take Hil's breath away. Or something like that.

Maybe on that cold night in Estonia, as the vodka melted their icy hearts and lessened their inhibitions, Hillary and McCain shared something special. Maybe John McCain found someone with all the qualities he looks for; cold, soulless, and white, you know, a female version of himself.

The Clinton advisor that was asked about the story actually said "What happens in Estonia stays in Estonia". Well played, McCain, well played.

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